Notice No20231219-15Notice Date19 Dec 2023
SubjectAdditional Exposure Margin on Securities under MWPL – January 2024

In continuation to BSE Notice dated March 18, 2019 on Additional Exposure Margin on Securities under MWPL, ICCL shall levy additional exposure margin @15% in equity derivatives segment on securities in which top 10 clients account for more than 20% of MWPL. However, for securities wherein additional surveillance margin is applicable, the higher of additional exposure margin as stated above or additional surveillance margin shall be levied. Scrips shall be identified under this framework based on 3 months rolling data and shall be reviewed on a monthly basis.

This Additional Exposure Margin for the securities mentioned in the Annexure shall be effective from December 29, 2023, immediately after the expiry of December 2023 contracts.

In case of any assistance/clarification, please feel free to reach out to us.

For and on behalf of Indian Clearing Corporation Ltd.


Ms. Sanaiya Ghadially

Asst. General Manager

Risk Department


Contact No:



Annexure- Additional Exposure Margin on Securities under MWPL_19122023.xls